Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Data Security Training Needs an Update

By Robert Fleming, Chief Marketing Officer at Zivver

Employees are constantly overloaded with the ‘we need to be more secure’ mantra from their employers but, as found in our recent report, out of the 67% of employees who had security training in the last two years, only 36% applied these tips and techniques to their core role. This means one thing: security training alone isn’t getting the job done.

While 85% of IT leaders say there is always a place for data security training, almost a third of workers don’t see its value. Clearly, it isn’t the place they want to be. This current disconnect between IT leaders and employees’ expectations is ever-growing.

Meanwhile, distractions caused by remote working, combined with the increased use of collaboration tools and IT processes mean that employees are finding it difficult to focus on their core role. Unfortunately, this can result in more cybersecurity breaches or attacks. In fact, in 2021 four in ten businesses reported a case, according to GOV.UK’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey. Employees want to focus on their key responsibilities at work – and security isn’t one of them.

For organizations to progress, security needs to change and make life effortless for its users. Instead of relying on training alone, implementing efficient smart technologies can alleviate some of the pressure, leaving more room to encourage positive risks and time to focus on business goals.

Smart technology: the missing key

Where employees and IT teams don’t meet eye-to-eye, there needs to be a middle ground. Smart technologies reduce the reliance on humans to spot errors that could lead to a data leak, helping to alleviate some of the weight sitting on employee’s shoulders. No one enjoys the burden of security, so using solutions that ensure businesses are protected whilst allowing employees to focus on their responsibilities is crucial.

In fact, 83% of IT leaders believe that progressive security strategies empower employees with smart technology, rather than burdening them with extensive protocols, processes, and policies. And both IT professionals and employees agree that investing in smart tech will not only improve their productivity, but also boost employee morale and business relationships.

With these solutions, IT leaders no longer need to rely on the effectiveness of their training and protocols to secure data. However, with smart technologies and reduced worry that comes from human error, staff can be encouraged to take risks that could benefit them or the organization.

In fact, 22% of employees said that they felt they would be more innovative, and 34% would feel a boost to their morale, if they never had to worry about data security when sending information.

Progression is the future

There is no question that data security training is useful, but this doesn’t mean it is effective. Although employees may understand how to prevent a data leak and the implications of one, it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of it happening. Causing a data leak is as easy as sending an email to the wrong person, and with 47% of staff believing that IT teams should be responsible for email security, the world of safe communications needs a transformation.  Training people will always be important – but technology can take on a bigger role in preventing data leaks, empowering employees across the business to work securely and without disruption.

Employing smart solutions can allow businesses to stay protected, regardless of where workers’ attention is focused. These means that employees, IT teams, and businesses can operate smoothly, and are free to focus on what matters most to them.

The post Data Security Training Needs an Update appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders.

September 21, 2022 at 05:43PM


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